LGBT English-Speakers Groups

About the groups
The LGBT English-Speakers Groups organize social events in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Be’er Sheva and online. Anyone in Israel who is LGBTQ+ and speaks English (either natively or as a learnt language) is welcome to join us.
Our goal
Our goal is to help LGBT new olim and LGBT people living in Israel to build a social circle without first having to be fluent in Hebrew, Our events are attended by olim (both new and veteran), Israelis, people living long/short-term in Israel and visitors.
Our activities
Outside of pandemics, we organize coffee mornings, movie nights, guest speakers, restaurant nights, Shabbat dinners and picnics, as well as house parties around the holidays. For the moment, we are organizing regular online events via Zoom, including movie nights and Shabbat dinners.

Each location has its own Facebook group,
WhatsApp group and email list.
Please join or sign up to receive event reminders.