Interviews with Olim
Each month, we interview an oleh or olah for our newsletter.
We invite you to read the stories of LGBTQ+ people who have made Israel their home.
"I always felt more welcome here."
Interview date: October 2014
Q. Where were you born and where did you grow up?
A. I was born in a small seaside holiday town on the East Coast of South Africa called Port Shepstone. I grew up on the coast, but every weekend I would either fly to Johannesburg or drive up to in Durban to spend time with my father.
Q. At what age did you come out? And how did it go?
A. I came out in the 9th grade… at my mothers bedside after she had major surgery. Either the drugs made her forget or she chose to deny it. I told my father on the 8th April this year. For a traditional Mizrahi man he took it quite well and I organised for him to go to an Israeli support group for parents who have children who are LGBT.
Q. Were you involved at all in the LGBT community back home?
A. No. I could never for fear of being ostracised.
Q. How long since you made Aliyah?
A. 9 months
Q. Why did you make Aliyah?
A. I made aliyah because although I spent almost my entire life in South Africa, I have never felt a connection to the country or the African continent. I am the son of a second generation Sabra, and spent many holidays in Israel as a kid and I always felt more welcome here. Add my Zionist tendencies and you have the driving urge that helped me to make the decision to come home.
Q. Did you move here on own or with family/friends/significant other?
A. On my own. But I have my father’s family here.
Q. How is it going so far?
A. Great. Really. Couldn’t ask for better!
Q. What do you think about the Israeli LGBT community so far?
A. It’s large and extremely disorganised from a political standpoint.
Q. Any plans or dreams for the future?
A. To make it to my second anniversary of making aliyah and being established. As for plans, get my PhD on the side and start a business.

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