LGBT Organizations
The Aguda | AIDS Task force | LGBT Youth | Tehila | Havruta | Bat-Kol |
Ma’avarim | Shabbat Shelach | English-Language Book Clubs | LGBTech | Hoshen |
Raduga | TLVFest | Tel Aviv University Achva

The Aguda - The Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel
Founded in 1975 by a group of 10 gay and lesbian Israelis and olim, the Aguda is Israel’s primary organisation for LGBT rights. It manages several initiatives including the LGBT support line Yesh Im Mi Ledaber (or There is someone to talk with) and a support group for LGBT refugees and asylum seekers.
Israel AIDS Task force

The Israel AIDS Task Force is the only non-governmental, national-level organization and the oldest and most important HIV/AIDS-related organization in Israel. It was founded as a non-profit association in 1985 by a group of social activists to promote the general public’s health in relation to HIV/AIDS.
Israeli LGBT Youth (IGY)

Provides support and education programs for 18-23 year-old LGBT youth, including a group specifically for olim.

Israel’s PFLAG (Parents/Families of Lesbians and Gays) provides support and advice for families coming to terms with a family member coming out.

Support group for religious gay men.

Support group for LBT Jewish Women.

Ma’avarim is the organization that supports the Israeli Trans community. Additionally, they advocate for social change on issues related to the Trans community, working together with legislators, policy makers, the media, and agents of change.
Shabbat Shelach
Organizes monthly Shabbat meals in Jerusalem for LBT women.

English-Language Book Clubs

Organization for LGBT tech professionals

Organization providing LGBTQ educational services to Israeli schools

Tel Aviv’s LGBT Film Festival screens LGBT movies during Tel Aviv Pride season and throughout the year.
Tel Aviv University Achva

The LGBTQ+ student association at Tel Aviv University.