About LGBT Olim
LGBT Olim was created as the community for LGBTQ+ people
who have decided to make Israel their home.
Launched in 2013, LGBT Olim is a grass-roots, volunteer-led organization run by Olim for Olim (the Hebrew word for immigrants).
It was founded to build a welcoming community for LGBTQ+ people who have decided to make Israel their home, providing information to those considering making Aliyah and providing post-Aliyah services.

Our goals include:
Providing information
LGBT Olim provides information to LGBTQ+ people who are considering making Aliyah or are in the process of doing so.
We understand that some LGBTQ+ people choose not to come out to their Aliyah adviser, so we are here to answer any LGBTQ+/Aliyah-related questions that you may have.
Please read our FAQs and contact us if you have any unanswered questions.
Providing LGBT-friendly Hebrew classes
LGBT Olim runs free, LGBT-friendly Hebrew classes called Qulpan to help new and prospective olim improve their language skills. These classes enable students to discuss LGBT-related topics that might not be covered in a regular class.
Two levels are available – introductory and conversational. Classes are held online and once the pandemic is under control, we will also run classes at the LGBTQ Centers in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, while maintaining our online presence.
Building a social network
LGBT Olim organizes social events, enabling LGBTQ+ new olim and visitors to build a social circle without having to be fluent in Hebrew first. The LGBT English-Speakers Groups in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Be’er Sheva organize social events each month where English is the primary language. We welcome LGBTQ+ English-speaking olim (new and veteran), Israelis, visitors etc. whether or not English is their native language.
Connecting new olim with relevant LGBTQ+ organizations
LGBT Olim helps connect new olim with the relevant LGBTQ+ organizations in Israel which provide the services they need.
See our list of Israeli LGBT Organizations.